3:44 Mona Waheed, IBCLC | Agave Pediatrics
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Mona Waheed
Mona Waheed, IBCLC

About Mona Waheed, IBCLC

Mona first discovered a passion for supporting breastfeeding mothers when she had her own children. Deciding to switch careers from her work in Radiology, she became a Breastfeeding Counselor for a non-profit. She then created online support groups to ensure mothers could find support, encouragement, and accurate information on breastfeeding and tongue-ties. Mona enjoys movie nights at home with the family, and planning their next vacation! 

Educational Qualifications

Education: AS in Radiology 2004, Certified Lactation Counsellor 2017, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant 2020
Board Certified: Yes

Professional Memberships: Breastfeeding USA

Interests: Reading, baking, and traveling
Family: Married for over 10 years, with two young children
Office Locations: Virtual/Televisits

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